For Greece

To make a change or a return, please contact us within 48 hours of receiving the product by phone at 2382502266 or via email at in order to highlight the problem and approve the change.

Exchanges and returns are accepted within 14 days. The product or products must be in excellent condition, not used, worn or in any other condition than original.

Returned products must be properly packaged to prevent damage during transit.

Shipments in case of changes are made at our company’s expense, as long as the Speedex company with which we cooperate is used and as long as the changes of the same order do not exceed one time. In case the shipment is made with any other company, the shipping costs are borne by the customer. The product can only be returned by crediting the money for the next purchase and the costs are borne by the customer.

Changes and returns on special orders are not made.

Caution! Seasonal items are only exchanged for a corresponding seasonal item.

For Cyprus

Exchange and return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer.